We envision ourselves as…..


• Professionals with collaborative and participatory work styles,

• Well-trained, technically competent and knowledgeable in our fields,

• Engaged in lifelong learning to improve competencies,

• Accountable at individual, institutional and organizational levels,

• Advocates and champions of a collegial atmosphere that fosters excellence, participation, and personal growth,

• Empowered to participate in scholarly activities, development of policy, and advancement of persons in the Insurance industry,

• Continuously improve our feedback and communication mechanisms,

• Embracing and promote the principles of continuous improvement on all levels of activities..

• Be involved in the Insurance environment not only in our own area of jurisdiction but in Gauteng with the IIG and IISA as well. This must provide us with a much wider view of our Industry to the advantage of our own activities and the Industry that we serve.

Events Booking - Upcoming events

All our IING events will be listed here. Select and book your favourite event.

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