I am honoured to address you as the President of the Insurance Institute of Northern Gauteng for the year 2023.

As we continue to navigate through uncertain times, it is important to recognize the strength and resilience of our industry. In the face of the challenges brought on by
natural disasters and other unforeseen events, the industry has consistently risen to the occasion, providing crucial support to individuals and business partners alike.

As we move forward, we must remain committed to our mission, of providing an exciting and successful networking environment for the employees, intermediaries, and suppliers of the insurance industry in our area of jurisdiction. I believe in collaboration with our business partners and I’m eager to expand our relationships with the various stakeholders. The digital transformation of our industry is rapidly accelerating, and we must stay ahead of the curve to ensure that we are meeting the evolving
needs of our members.

In addition, we must continue to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion within our organizations and the industry as a whole. By fostering a more inclusive and welcoming environment, we can attract and retain a wider range of talent and perspectives, ultimately leading to better outcomes for our members.

It is important to promote the growth and development of the members of the insurance industry, whilst also ensuring that it operates in a manner that is ethical, transparent, and accountable.

I am excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for our industry, and I am confident that together we can continue to make a positive impact as a whole.

Thank you for your continued dedication and service to the insurance industry, and I look forward to working with you all in the year ahead.

Adèle Cronjé

IING President